Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

I want to wish my dad a Happy Father's Day, and say "thank you" for all the lessons you've taught me over the years. In honor of my dad, I decided to post a few deleted clips that remind me of him.

clip 1:
Just be glad it’s not Uncle Darrell taking the pictures," said Trey.
"Why's that?" Brady’s dad asked indignantly. "I take great pictures!"
"You do," agreed Trey. "It’s just that you take forever. If you were the designated photographer, Brady would still be in that sand trap while you were lining up the shot!"
Brady and everyone else burst into laughter. They had all endured the interminable wait that preceded one of his dad’s pictures, and could easily visualize the scene. His dad just harrumphed, though, and kept wading on.

clip 2:
As Darrell Allred led his Scouts from the chartered buses to the entrance of the camp, he felt a strong sense of excitement well up within his soul. “Okay, everybody … look sharp!” he ordered as they marched. “Head up, shoulders back, stomach in, chest out!”
Darrell was average height and trim; and very proud of the fact that he still fit in the uniform he had purchased when called for his first tour of duty as a Scoutmaster fifteen years before. His brown hair was now sprinkled with gray and was getting thinner each year. Due to the heavy winds projected in the weather forecast, he was wearing his full-brimmed scout hat to make sure his head was properly covered.
He had been involved with the Boy Scouts in one capacity or another for almost thirty-five years; since he himself had joined a troop at the age of eleven. He had attained the rank of Eagle, like his father before him, and had helped inspire three of his younger brothers earn the rank as well. Now, he was doing his part to pass the tradition on to the next generation.

clip 3:
Devin’s family was always the first to arrive at family functions. Uncle Arthur had somehow missed out on the family “late gene” that plagued the rest of the family. And although the other Allreds were also habitually late, Brady’s dad, Darrell, must have gotten a double dose of the gene – his own, plus Uncle Arthur’s portion.
Brady heaved a sigh as his dad ran into the house again to grab "one more thing" that they'd forgotten. At this rate, the party would be over by the time they got there.

I love you Dad!

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