Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Granite Flats

     Have you ever seen the show Granite Flats? It takes place during the 60's at the height of the Cold War. These three teenage kids who are very different in most ways come together to solve a mystery in town. In the course of their sleuthing, they discover a that the "meteorite" that one of them saw crash nearby was in fact a Soviet satellite. In any case, they continue to solve mysteries around town relying on their various skills. As my wife, daughter, and I were watching the first episode of season 2 the other night, my wife started laughing and said, "Timmy Sanders is so YOU."
     And its true. As he typed up their exploits, in their secret hideout, and tried to come up with the most thrilling title for each case file, I was reminded of my youth, searching for mysteries to solve with my cousins and/or friends. Since there really weren't any real mysteries to solve, we made them up, taking turns writing chapters in which our character would be the star, then passing it on to the next cousin so that his character would have a chance to shine. We completed at least full stories this way, and started a few others. I wish I could find the list of titles we brainstormed together. They would rival Timmy's titles any day of the week. Thank you Granite Flats for rekindling fond memories from the good old days.

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