Saturday, May 10, 2014

Second anniversary

This month marks the second anniversary of the publication of The Narrows Escape. In one sense, it was the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. In another sense, it seems to have ushered in the death of another. I am a published author, something I dreamed about since I was about 8 years old. On the other hand, I am realistic enough to recognize that it will never be more than a hobby. My family and close friends were very supportive, purchasing more copies than I had anticipated - particularly my parents who bought more than ten copies themselves to give out to friends. Yet sales in other areas are way below my minimum expectations. And sales from year two are down to a trickle. In other words, The Narrows Escape is on life support.
How do I change this trend? Obviously I have to do something drastically different. One option is to go digital. I plan on looking into that this summer. Another is to publish the first sequel. However, unless I change my marketing strategy, this is unlikely to have any effect. Since The Narrows Escape is self-published, I have to do all my own marketing. I have failed miserably in this area. As a school teacher, it would seem that I would have a natural platform in which to advertise to my target audience. However, although many of my students are aware that I have published a book, I have been very careful not to openly market my book in my classroom. I do not feel that it would be appropriate to pressure my students into buying it. Unfortunately, I have been too successful in that regard, since I am only aware of three that have done so. My best option might be to have an established publisher pick up the book. However, after years of pursuing that option, I'm not sure who else to approach.
So, that's where things stand. I have written two additional DTB books, but I don't plan on publishing them unless something happens to change my current status. I'm open to suggestions.
Thank you for your support,

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