Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Case of Buried Treasure Chapter 5

     I don't remember who's idea it was to have all the DTB Cousins live in the same house, but for some reason we felt that it would be easier to have them all living under the same house. I don't know if it is true of my cousins, but I know that in my mind, I always pictured it to be my house. We never really described it in any of our adventures. In any case, we usually only mentioned our moms and dads. In only one book did we have any siblings. Well, here is chapter five. 

Chapter V - The Discovery

The DTB Cousins walked into the house and closed the door. Their moms were sitting on the couch.
"You have been gone almost the whole day. Where have you been?" they asked.
"Oh, we've just been at the old mansion looking around," replied the DTB Cousins.
The DTB Cousins couldn't tell their moms everything that happened because their moms might not want them to go back again. They would be worried about them getting hurt.
"Why don't you sit down and eat. We have some dinner for you," said Brad's mom.
After a dinner of steak, potatoes and jello, the DTB Cousins went to their room. They studied the map and discovered there was a part of it ripped off. Then Darin said, "It's ripped off because the crooks have the other part! That's why they knew where the trapdoor was, and that's how they got down in the tunnels."
"But that part of the map doesn't do them any good," said Brad, "because we have the part that has a buried treasure marked on it."
It was getting late so they got on their pajamas and went to sleep.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Case of Buried Treasure Chapter 4

This appears to be one of the chapters I wrote. I'm not exactly sure how I envisioned the execution of my heroic action, but I vaguely recall something similar happening in a Scooby-Doo cartoon. I wouldn't be surprised if we got lots of our inspiration from the TV shows we used to watch as kids - Scooby Doo, the Dukes of Hazzard, the Six Million Dollar Man, etc. Enjoy.

Chapter IV - The Rescue

Troy and Brad quietly crawled over to Darin. Troy started untiing Darin quickly while Brad told him to run and follow them. When the last rope was untied, they made a break for it.
The two crooks turned around and saw them. They started after the DTB Cousins to get them.
Darin was running behind Troy and Brad. One of the crooks got a hold of Darin's arm and wouldn't let go. Darin struggled to get free from his grasp. Finally, in his last attempt, he elbowed the crook in the stumach and stomped on his foot. He got free and ran around a curve in the tunnel.
The second crook was on their tail now. Troy had hid around the curve and as the crook ran around it, he stuck out his foot. The crook bit the dust and Troy took off fast again. He caught up with Brad and Darin.
In a little while, they got to the stairway. They zoomed up the stairs skipping every other one. They were going so fast that in no time they were at the top in the closet of the old mansion. They looked down the stairway and saw the crooks going up them faster than they had ever seen. The DTB Cousins could tell they were mad.

Brad quickly picked up a rope and tied it to a rock jutting out of the tunnel. As the crooks neared the top, Brad jumped through the trap door and swung down, each foot smacking the crooks in the face. He jerked to a stop and they watched the crooks tumbling down the stairs head first. Then they ran out of the mansion and headed for home.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Case of Buried Treasure Chapter 3

     Here is chapter three from one of our old DTB books. You will notice that we used our real names rather than the fictional ones I used for The Narrows Escape. Also, since we wrote the original draft on a small 3" by 5" notepad, in large handwriting, it seemed as if each chapter was several pages long, rather than what turned out to be 1/2 page chapters (single-spaced). Enjoy!

Chapter III - The Underground Tunnels

Troy and Brad went down deeper and deeper. Then Troy moaned, "How much farther is the end? If there is an end."
"There has to be an end," said Brad. Then Brad saw the floor.
"We're at the end now, Troy," said Brad.
They both looked around. There were tunnels leading every which way. Then Brad thought that it looked familiar, but he couldn't think where he had seen something like it. He thought hard. Then he said to Troy. "I remember now; the map I found had the same tunnels marked on it."
"What map?" said Troy.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I found a map when I was searching the attic."
"Let me look at it Brad," said Troy.
"Oh, there were some other papers with it too. They are in DTB folder."
They both studied the map with their flashlights.
"Here is a likely chamber where they might have hid Darin," said Brad, pointing to a place on the map.
Troy and Brad followed the passage till they came to the chamber.
"Nothing," said Troy as they peeked inside. "How about that one?" he said, pointing to the map.
When they came to the end, Brad said, "Another dead end."
Then Brad said, "Hey, look. There are footprints on this dirt floor leading into that passage."
Troy and Brad sneeked down the passageway. Pretty soon they heard voices. They got to the end of the passage and looked into the chamber.
On one side of the room were two crooks talking with their backs toward Troy and Brad. On the other side of the room was Darin tied up.

To be continued...

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Case of Buried Treasure Chapter 2

     Here is the second chapter of one of the DTB Cousin books my cousins and I wrote as kids. We wrote at least four of these type of books, taking turns writing about a chapter each before passing it on to the next cousin. You can sometimes tell who is writing based on who has the biggest part in the story in that section:

Chapter II - Looking for Darin

Brad was searching for clues on the floor when he spotted a piece of torn notebook paper. There was some more following it. He called Troy over and they followed the the torn pieces of paper. The paper led to a closet.
Troy pressed his ear against the door and motioned that he didn't hear anything. Brad took a mini billy club out of his pocket and Troy swung open the door.
Brad looked inside but saw nothing. Then Troy went in the closet and looked if there were any more clues or anything. He didn't find anything, but as he was getting out of the closet, his foot snagged part of the rug and pulled it aside.
"Hey, look!" said Brad. "You've uncovered a trapdoor."
Troy was very pleased with himself.
Brad went over and opened it. There was a big long staircase that went down and down. He couldn't see the bottom.
Troy went over and looked. Then Brad said, "Come on, we're going down there and rescue Darin."
They both pulled out their pocket size mini flashlights and started down.

To be continued...

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Case of Buried Treasure Chapter 1

As I was going through some of my things, I came across one of the four mysteries my cousins and I wrote as youth. We were about ten at the time, so the story is pretty simplistic and not very realistic. Still, it was fun for me to type it up. It is only nine chapters long, so I decided to post it here chapter by chapter. I put it into paragraph form and fixed some punctuation for clarity purposes, but I left the misspellings intact. Here is chapter one:

The DTB Cousins
The Case of Buried Treasure

Chapter I - The Search in the Old Mansion

The DTB Cousins decided to go to the old mansion on Euclid Ave. When they arrived Troy said, "Let's make a thorough search of this mansion. Remember Chief Harper made an announcement that whoever found anything in this house may keep it."
"Let's split up to search this place," said Darin.
"Okay," said Brad.
Troy said, "I get this floor, Darin can have the second floor, and Brad can have the attic up at the top."
The DTB Cousins split up and began to search. Brad, who was searching the attic saw a chest. He opened the chest and looked inside. He felt the sides and felt four lines in the shape of a rectangle. Brad pulled out his pocket knife and pried open the compartment. He pulled a slip of paper out of the compartment and discovered it was a treasure map. Brad pulled out the other papers in the compartment. Brad put the papers in his DTB folder. Then he began to search the closet.
Meanwhile, Darin, who was searching the second floor, went to a bedroom first. He was inside and headed straight for the bed. Darin got on his hands and knees and looked under the bed.
A man came up from behind. The man grabbed Darin and dragged him across the floor. Darin tried to get free, but couldn't. Darin then yelled for help.
Troy had gone to the living room and was searching the fireplace mantle when he heard Darin's yell for help. Troy quickly ran up the stairs.
Troy saw Darin's pocket camera on the floor by the bed. "This must be where the fight was," thought Troy.

By the time Brad had joined him, Troy picked up the camera and they both began to search for clues in the bedroom.

To be continued...