Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Case of Buried Treasure Chapter 3

     Here is chapter three from one of our old DTB books. You will notice that we used our real names rather than the fictional ones I used for The Narrows Escape. Also, since we wrote the original draft on a small 3" by 5" notepad, in large handwriting, it seemed as if each chapter was several pages long, rather than what turned out to be 1/2 page chapters (single-spaced). Enjoy!

Chapter III - The Underground Tunnels

Troy and Brad went down deeper and deeper. Then Troy moaned, "How much farther is the end? If there is an end."
"There has to be an end," said Brad. Then Brad saw the floor.
"We're at the end now, Troy," said Brad.
They both looked around. There were tunnels leading every which way. Then Brad thought that it looked familiar, but he couldn't think where he had seen something like it. He thought hard. Then he said to Troy. "I remember now; the map I found had the same tunnels marked on it."
"What map?" said Troy.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I found a map when I was searching the attic."
"Let me look at it Brad," said Troy.
"Oh, there were some other papers with it too. They are in DTB folder."
They both studied the map with their flashlights.
"Here is a likely chamber where they might have hid Darin," said Brad, pointing to a place on the map.
Troy and Brad followed the passage till they came to the chamber.
"Nothing," said Troy as they peeked inside. "How about that one?" he said, pointing to the map.
When they came to the end, Brad said, "Another dead end."
Then Brad said, "Hey, look. There are footprints on this dirt floor leading into that passage."
Troy and Brad sneeked down the passageway. Pretty soon they heard voices. They got to the end of the passage and looked into the chamber.
On one side of the room were two crooks talking with their backs toward Troy and Brad. On the other side of the room was Darin tied up.

To be continued...

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