Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Case of Buried Treasure Chapter 4

This appears to be one of the chapters I wrote. I'm not exactly sure how I envisioned the execution of my heroic action, but I vaguely recall something similar happening in a Scooby-Doo cartoon. I wouldn't be surprised if we got lots of our inspiration from the TV shows we used to watch as kids - Scooby Doo, the Dukes of Hazzard, the Six Million Dollar Man, etc. Enjoy.

Chapter IV - The Rescue

Troy and Brad quietly crawled over to Darin. Troy started untiing Darin quickly while Brad told him to run and follow them. When the last rope was untied, they made a break for it.
The two crooks turned around and saw them. They started after the DTB Cousins to get them.
Darin was running behind Troy and Brad. One of the crooks got a hold of Darin's arm and wouldn't let go. Darin struggled to get free from his grasp. Finally, in his last attempt, he elbowed the crook in the stumach and stomped on his foot. He got free and ran around a curve in the tunnel.
The second crook was on their tail now. Troy had hid around the curve and as the crook ran around it, he stuck out his foot. The crook bit the dust and Troy took off fast again. He caught up with Brad and Darin.
In a little while, they got to the stairway. They zoomed up the stairs skipping every other one. They were going so fast that in no time they were at the top in the closet of the old mansion. They looked down the stairway and saw the crooks going up them faster than they had ever seen. The DTB Cousins could tell they were mad.

Brad quickly picked up a rope and tied it to a rock jutting out of the tunnel. As the crooks neared the top, Brad jumped through the trap door and swung down, each foot smacking the crooks in the face. He jerked to a stop and they watched the crooks tumbling down the stairs head first. Then they ran out of the mansion and headed for home.

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