Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Case of Buried Treasure Chapter 8

I'm not sure why we thought that the treasure should belong to the government. In fact we never figured out a back story - where the treasure came from, how it got there, who buried it and made the map. Actually, we never planned out our stories at all. We just took turns writing whatever popped into our minds as we wrote. The interesting thing is that with three different authors taking turns writing, the story often went off in different directions. It is surprising that they had any cohesiveness at all. Enjoy!
Chapter VIII - The Explanation

The DTB Cousins were back in the police station with the treasure.
"How did you know that there was a treasure down there and how did you find out how to get down there?" asked Chief Harper in astonishment.
"Oh," said Brad. "I'll start from the beginning and tell you the whole story. We went over to the old mansion yesterday to see if we could find something because you said that if you found something in there you could keep it. When I was looking in the attic, I found a treasure map concealed in a secret panel in a chest along with a few other papers which I think are documents.
"Oh that reminds me. Here are the papers. Anyway I heard a yell for help so I ran down the stairs to see what had happened. When I got down, I found Troy there but no sign of Darin except for his pocket camera which was lying on the floor. It didn't take me very long to figure out what had happened. Troy and I began looking for clues. I found a trail of torn notebook paper leading to a closet and Troy just happened to stumble upon the trapdoor."
"That's fantastic boys. We have been looking for this treasure for years, but all our searches were fruitless. Finally we gave up. These papers say the treasure belongs to the government to spend how they want. I guess part of it rightly belongs to you fellows," said Cheif Harper.
"Thanks a lot!" chimed the DTB Cousins.
"I guess those crooks were lookings for the treasure also," said Cheif Harper.
"No," said Darin. "They didn't even know about the treasure until they saw the map. They were pickpocketers who had found a torn peice of the map that showed the secret entrance. When they investigated it, they discovered it was the perfect hidout. I found this out while I was captured."

"Heah, let's go recover their stolen loot," said Brad.

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